Speed up your growth with these 2 frameworks

Hey friend,

If you know me, you know I love frameworks! I promise that if you apply these two frameworks in your day to day, you will 1000% speed up your growth. Ready? The first framework is “The Learners Mindset” and the second is “The Growth Mindset”.

Learners Mindset:

If you think of every experience as a learning opportunity, you will create a positive environment and achieve goals faster. You learn things one at a time, and you unlearn what doesn't serve you.

Growth Mindset:

When you have a growth mindset, you believe that you can improve your skills when you work hard, accept challenges and are open to feedback from everyone.


With Growth mindset, you view feedback as an opportunity to grow instead of a personal attack. You learn from your past actions and mistakes.

With learner's mindset, you unlearn unnecessary things, experiment what you learn from others and make progress in your work. Stay away from Fixed Mindset because it will discourage you from trying new things, from pushing yourself and from embracing failure.

There is no better time to shift your perspective than when things go wrong.

Creator Journey 🪴

You will learn the importance of SEO with this one mistake I made.

I blog at https://kulkarniankita.com/ and I wrote a blog post on “SEO Deep Dive in Next.js”.

The terms “SEO Next.js” are so common that my post barely got 100 views. I dug into the keywords, and learned that those keywords are very popular on Google and there was no way my blog post will rank higher because more reputable sites had written good content on that topic.

Although, the term “SEO Next.js Head” were keywords that had a huge demand and only a few posts about it. Since I do talk a lot about the Head component of Next.js in my blog post, I tweaked my blog title from “SEO deep dive in Next.js” to “Deep Dive on SEO with Next.js Head”.

And guess what? within a couple of days, my views went up to a 1000.

Front-end News 🎨

I’m excited to share that I’ll giving a talk on how you can build a lightning fast website using Next.js, Tailwind and GraphQL at one of the biggest conferences: React Advanced and will be going to London, UK. Definitely check it out and show your support on Twitter.

If you are in the area, please hit 'reply' and let me know, would love to connect in person.

One quick question for you...

If you have 30 seconds, it would mean a lot.

In terms of your growth, What is one thing you are finding challenging right now at work? it can be anything that comes to mind for you.